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How Do I Contact My HandyFriend?
Communicating with your HandyFriend is easy. From your project details, you'll be able to access a chat thread where you can chat or call your HandyFriend to discuss anything related to your project.
Be sure to contact your HandyFriend through this chat thread, as it allows for secure communication through the Allsup Company platform and is the cornerstone of a projects success.
To chat or call your HandyFriend on Allsup app:
Tap “Projects” on the app's bottom navigation.
Tap "Chat" on the relevant project to go to the project's chat thread.
If you want to call your HandyFriend, tap the phone icon at the bottom left of the chat screen.
To chat with your Friend on the web:
Login to your Allsup Company account.
On your dashboard, you'll see your current projects.
Click the photo of your HandyFriend to open the chat.
Keep in mind—so everything related to your project is documented in writing, chat should be your primary communication.